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Mathez House

A hand carved stone, situated on the front wall, dates the building of this house back to 1789. It is believed that the lower field of this farm is the same in which colonists lost their cavalry horses in 1765 when a flash flood occurred during the night. Morris Hillyerd, the owner during the 1920’s, remembers the old slate roof, the heavy plastered walls, and hauling in water from a pump outside the kitchen. Water was heated on the iron stove and perishables were stored down in the dirt cellar. Mr. Hillyerd purchased the house from the D. L. & w. railroad which had acquired it as part of the right-of-way for building the viaduct. Two generations of the Weber Family owned it during which time some rebuilding was done. Today Mr. Edmond Mathez and his family reside on this scenic property overlooking the Paulins Kill.